Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Walking to Cambodia: Day 8,9,10

Welcome do day 8,9 10!

I've been so extremely busy it's the time of the year with essay's, quizzes, term papers and midterms. On that note I need to go back to studying. I'll just let you know quickly that the fundraising page will be open for donations very soon so keep a look out for that and now since i'm low on time here is a graph of what happened in the last days.

September 28th
5,614 steps
4.01 miles
6.4 km
6.4 km
67.7 km
September 29th
8,226 steps
5.87 miles
9.4 km
9.4 km
77.1 km
September 30th
9.995 steps
7.16 miles
11.5 km
88.6 km

The zero's are from not going on the treadmill the 4th row is fitbit data the 5th row is the day's total and the last row is the grand total.

Good stats to start the week on I'm going to keep it going!

 Thank you for following me on this adventure!


Monday, 28 September 2015

Walking to Cambodia: Day 7

Day 7!

Quick note this is the stats for yesterday(I still haven't caught up to posting I need to make a habit of posting right before turning in for the night) Another post will be put up today and when it is it will also mean that the YouCaring page is officially lauched! More on that later. (Update due to some technical difficulties it won't be up for another couple days i'll keep you updated)

So day number 7. I ran/walked on the treadmill for 22:06 minutes which was 1.11 miles so 1.7 km. My fit bit calculated 4,952 steps which is 3.54 miles so 5.6 km. The total for the day being 7.3 km. The grand total is now 61.3 km. So 1294.8 km left until Cambodia!

Thats the end of the first week! I'm so excited to continue next week!

Where will next week lead!

Thank you for following me on this adventure!


Sunday, 27 September 2015

Walking to Cambodia: Days # 5 and 6

Day 5 and 6!

The first week has almost past, at the end of today I will have completed the full week! So far I have succeeded in my goals everyday. And I plan to continue to do just that.

Let's start with Day 5. On day 5 I biked 30 minutes (Again let me know if this should count toward my goal in the comments.When I get some feedback I'll either calculate it in or won't) I also did 8.622 steps which is 6.19 miles so 9.9 km. Which makes my grand total 47.2 km. 1308.6 left until Cambodia!

Now onto Day 6. I walked/ Ran 36:22 km on the treadmill which came to 2 miles, so 3.2 km. Then I did 3,163 steps which means 2.26 miles so 3.6 km. The total for the day is 6.8 km. The grand total is 54 km. 1301.8 km left until Cambodia!

That's all for those 2 days.

Thank you for following me on this adventure!


Friday, 25 September 2015

Walking to Cambodia: Day 4

Day # 4,

Another busy day on September 24th. I'm short on time today to write the post so I'll just go straight to the facts.

On day #4 I did 8244 steps which mean I walked 5.9 miles that equals 9.4 km. A grand total of 37.3 km. And 1318.5 left to Cambodia!

Thanks for following me on this adventure.


Thursday, 24 September 2015

Walking to Cambodia: Day 3 First day of Fall!

Day # 3!

Hi everyone Iv'e been running behind one day for posting that will get resolved this weekend. So let's get on to day # 3.

Over where I live yesterday, Day#3 was the first day of fall! The morning sure felt like it with low temperatures but it was very warm in the afternoon more than 23 degrees. Which is above normal temperatures for fall. I love fall for it's lovely colours and how it's not too cold or too warm, a nice middle. The only problem is that soon it will too cold to walk outside for long, I'll have to find new ways to get my walking in.

Photo I took a couple Falls ago.
Now enough on the season change, let's get into how I did yesterday. Like I mentioned in my last post Wednesday is one of the day's I'm pretty busy and won't get as much walking in. And so yesterday I did only the minimum which is my goal of 5.6 km. So let's breack this down. I walked 4,921 steps which equals 3.51 miles, so 5.6 km. Which makes the grand total 27.9 km. 1327.9 left to Cambodia!

That's all for day #3.

Thank you for following me on this adventure.


Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Walking to Cambodia: Day 2

Hi Welcome to day 2!

Today let's start with a bit of explanations. Monday it's easy for me walk a lot my day is not too busy but the rest of my week is packed with school, school work and my job. When I spell them out like that it doesn't seen like much but it takes most of my days and leaves me exhausted at the end of the day when I'm planning to walk. Don't worry! I'm not using this as an exuse not to do my daily goal(Because I'm still determined and have reached my goal yesterday) I'm just letting you readers know that Tues, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday will not have as big totals(yet will still be at least 5.6) as Monday, Saturday, Sunday will(most likely more than 5.6 km). Though while saying this my technique to get a lot of steps in yesterday really worked and I surpassed Yesterdays total. So you never know!

Now let's get into my Day #2 (Yesterday when this will posted). My day started early and going from place to place was how I got most of my walking for Day 2. Taking longer walking routes to my destinations when I could, doing a lot while at my Job and more stuff along those lines. All this was measure by my fitbit. I don't know if you know much about fitbits but they are supposed to buzz when you reach your goal until then it tells your progress in 20 percents so each 20 percent one of five light appears on the device.  So here's a little story, I was at 5 light so 100 percent yet it hadn't buzzed. Two hours later it still hadn't buzzed and I had done a fair amount of walking so in efforts to get it to buzz to mean I was done my goal I walked up and down some stairs did laps in my house for a good while (granted I could have hopped on the treadmill instead but it was late and I thought all I needed was a couple more steps) and yet still nothing! Eventually I just said enoughs, enough I had also done 23 minutes of biking earlier that day so I would have done my goal either way (let me know in the comments if you think biking should count). Now can you guess what my total was? 10,557 steps! Yep that's right I was only 2% away from my goal of 11,000 steps.

Now on to all the stats! On day #2 I walked 10,557 steps so 98% of my 11,000 daily goal which equals 7.68 miles so 12.3 km. I also did 25 minutes of bike which I will calculate later and put it in my weekly wrap up. My total for all the days is now 22.3. And so I have 1333.5 km left to Cambodia!

Thank you for following me on this adventure!


Monday, 21 September 2015

Day 1 of Walking to Cambodia: First day excitment.

It's officially day 1 of my Walking to Cambodia fundraiser!

I'm so excited to get this started. Quick thing before I get into how I did today. You can visit my fundraising page however due to a couple things you won't be able to donate until next Monday September  28th. You can still follow my follow my blog and twitter and see my updates on my progress.

Now that that's out of the way let's get into how today went. I spent 95:02 minutes on the treadmill and walked/ran a total of 3.73 miles so 6 km in that time so I surpassed my daily goal of 5.6 Km. On top of that my fitbit tracked that I walked 3,983 steps which equals 2.84 mile which is 4 km. That makes a total of 10 km today. And I have now 1345.8 miles left to Cambodia.

I'm pretty happy with those stats for the first day! To start off this Fundraiser well, I'll leave you with this video of an Elephant with a prosthetic leg. It goes well with this Fundraiser since it's a video filmed in Cambodia, it involves elephants which I'll be working with when I go there and it has to do with one of the charities the money will go to called Exceed since what they do is help with protetics in Cambodia among other things.

Thanks for visiting. If you've missed my previous post on this Fundraiser go and check it out it has more information.

Thank you for following me in this adventure.


Sunday, 20 September 2015

Volunteer work in Cambodia

Hi everyone.

If your joining me from the link on the YouCaring website Hi! Thanks for visiting. If you have found this blog another way I also thank you for dropping by.
This post is going to be a bit different than my previous posts and will be one of many more to come. Later this year I'm going to be going to Cambodia on a volunteer trip. To fundraise some money for my trip(and for some charities more on that later) I have decided to not just post a random fundraising page but to do something to get people more interested in it. My goal is to walk to Cambodia by walking 1km for every 10km it takes to get there. That makes a big total of 1355.8 km. To reach this goal I'm going to have to do 5.6 Km a day. All this starts Monday and continues until a couple day's before my trip.

On this blog I will post very often on my progress and on every post will be how much I walked in one day and how much the total is. This is a big feat for me for a couple reasons (more on this page here) and because of those reason I'm very determined to succeed in the challenge I have put out there for myself.

Of all the money I frundraise half will go in the travel costs it will take for me to go to Cambodia and half of all the money raised will be split equally to two Charities. The first is Reach out Volunteers which is the charity of the organization I'm volunteering with (for more on this charity click here). The second is Exceed which provide prosthetic's to people who can't afford them in Cambodia. They also help with teaching people and a lot more. Check out there website here for more information. Both these charities are fantastic in my opinion because they provide help to people who really need it.

So after reading all this if your interested in following my progress there's many ways to do this. You can either follow my blog by email or by your google account, you can follow me on twitter or just check this blog regularly. If your interested in donating follow the on the side bar to my YouCaring account through which I'm doing the fundraiser you'll be able to donate starting tomorrow September 21st.

I can't wait to get started, I hope you'll follow me in this adventure.
