Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Wanting to travel and thinking about the future

This post will not be about an adventure exactly but more about a step
to taking an adventure. I told you in my welcome post that I would share
how I got to reach my dreams and so this post is about that.

I've been asking myself a lot of tough questions lately. I just got out
of the hospital two days ago but already these questions have been
buzzing around my head so much that they demand me to answer them.

What are those questions you might ask? They are the humongous questions
of what I will do for my future. I know the ultimate goal, where I want
to end up. But I'm trying to figure out how to get there.

The goal is a life of traveling, of being able to work on the road and
be constantly traveling.

I've been doing some research and found two options that seem to suit
me the best. 1. teaching English abroad and 2. being a freelance writer,
finding jobs here and there and being able to work from anywhere in the
world. But it's not as simple as that, find a job and be on my merry
way. To get those jobs you need to have some background and some
education. At least a BA.

In September I was studying at the University of Ottawa in Classical
Studies, basically the study of the ancient world. The Greeks and the
Romans were what I was focusing on. I wanted to go in archeology because
it fascinated me and because it let you travel a lot. But after one
semester I found it wasn't for me, too much memorization and papers, not
enough actual archeology. I know that I won't be able to live through
another 3 and a half years of what I experienced in the first semester.
If I'm not invested in something it makes it incredibly hard for me to

Because of my surgery I had to take the second semester off school since
the recovery time for the surgery is almost 2 months and let's face it,
you miss two months of university and there's no way you can catch up.
You miss a week and you’re already desperately behind. The reason I'm
telling you this is that this semester off has given me a lot of time to
think and when I think of going back to what I was originally studying
there's no spark of excitement, no charge, just a sense that I'm not
sure I can spend the rest of my life doing it.

And so I'm now onto what will I do now. Like I said I know the goal, now
I just need to get there. If I need a BA (and a certification of
some sort) to teach abroad and get a better chance at getting writing
jobs. Then what do I want to study in that will be not torturous to do
for 4 years? So I came up with a BA in Creative writing. Not only
does it help me improve my writing for possible writing jobs and is
something I love but it also is in the English department and that might
help me with getting a job teaching English abroad.

This is however a big step. If I do this I'm officially committing
myself to a life of travel, I'm going to put a lot of money in this to
go to university and I will be putting also a lot of work in to get good
grades and then find jobs that will permit me to travel. On top of that
I will now have to start saving every single penny for both university
and for travel later.

So this is what I am thinking about. Do I go for the Creative writing BA
next year at a different university where I will have to move out and
work incredibly hard to reach my goals, and if not what do I do. Then
there's the thing that if I do this I won't be going traveling for
another 3-4 years unless I fit it in somehow without spending much money,
since I need the money when I go traveling around the world . But 4
years without travel might be worth it if I can do a lot of travel
after. So many questions!

But I think I'll go for it. Now I only have to build a writing portfolio
and a letter of intent while I feel like crap. And send it in this week.
Lot's of work ahead of me!

Thanks for reading. I'm off to work. :)

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