Here is the stats for day 15,16,17,18 and 19.
Date Day # Treadmill stats Fit bit total for day Grand Total.
October 5th | 15 | 0 | 0 | 5.111 steps 3.65 miles 5.87 km |
5.87 km | 118.27 km |
October 6th | 16 | 0 | 0 | 9,604 steps 6.86 miles 11 km |
11 km | 129.27 km |
October 7th | 17 | 0 | 0 | 7.815 steps 5.58 miles 8.9 km |
8.9 km | 138.17 km |
October 8th | 18 | 0 | 0 | 7,919 steps 5.7 miles 9.17 miles |
9.17 km | 147.34 km |
October 9th | 19 | 0 | 0 | 5,999 steps 4,31 miles 6.9 km |
6.9 km | 154.24 km |
All those stats equal one thing 1201.56 km left until Cambodia!
Everything is still very busy in my life but I'm still as determined and ready to keep going!
Like mentioned above the fundraising page is live! Which means that if you feel like it you can donate anything to my fundraiser. Money will be going towards my volunteer trip more on that here and half of all money goes equally to two charities. Reach out volunteers charity and Exceed both in my opinion great charities!
Here are two videos which demonstrates some of the work of the charities.
So if your interested follow the link on the side or click here. If not please feel free just to follow my blog by your google acount or by email you can do that on the side bar if you don't want to you can check my blog every once in a while to follow my progress. If you feel like it leave a comment with your thoughts!
Thank you for much for following me on this adventure!
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